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RRP:  $489

Our price:  $449 

Free fitting in-store OR $10 Express free postage


  • Individual strings available including extension E/C - see below for pricing
  • Also available in Light gauge


A superb-sounding, versatile and great-value string set, particularly popular with jazz players. 

Lasts for years!



"Spirocores were the strings I started playing on, and the strings I always return to. I need strings that can cut through in a packed underground punk club or deliver the subtlest of notes in a classical music hall. Emotion and drama at my fingertips, strings that can be brutal and violent one minute, sensitive and quiet the next. Thomastik-Infeld Spirocores have the strength, depth and tone that I rely on day after day."  -- Adrian Stout


Individual Pricing

G Sol I  -  $99

D Re II  -  $109

A1 La1 III  -  $119

E1 Mi1 IV  -  $135

Extension E/C  -  $219

Mixed Set with Extension E/C  -  $538


Technical Details

Vibrating string length:  104.0 cm  |  40.9"

Usable from 103.0 cm/40.6" up to 106.0 cm/41.7"

Spiral core

Chrome wound

Thread colour - Tailpiece end:  Red

Thread colour - Peg end:  Red (medium), Purple (light)

String Tension - Medium: 

C Do 0  -  29.0 kg  |  63.9 lb

G Sol I  -  30.5 kg  |  67.2 lb

D Re II  -  31.0 kg  |  68.3 lb

A1 La1 III  -  32.0 kg  |  70.5 lb

E1 Mi1 IV  -  33.0 kg  |  72.8 lb

B/H2 Si2 V  -  32.0 kg  |  70.5 lb


Spirocore Bass 3/4 String Set - Medium

$510.00 Regular Price
$449.00Sale Price

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